deep learning
July 20-21, 2020

Registration Deadline: In this two-day course, you’ll discover how to utilize deep learning strategies to fully extract meaningful information from large amounts of data and learn to build custom hardware that makes deep learning relevant to your organization.

Member DiscountAlliances members are eligible for a discount for this program. Please log in to view discount instructions.
open-source, low-cost ventilator
CSAIL article

It can be hard to keep track of all the numbers, statistics, and charts swirling around the internet -- we’re inundated with information that can be rapidly disseminated and dissected. To carve through some of the sludge, here’s a selected highlight of recent computer science related efforts to fight COVID-19. 

RFocus 5G networks
MIT news article

Researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) looked at the 5G problem recently and wondered if people have had things completely backwards this whole time. Rather than focusing on the transmitters and receivers, what if we could amplify the signal by adding antennas to an external surface in the environment itself?

biggest tech breakthroughs
CSAIL article

Given that our smartphones have largely become appendages over the last decade, it’s hard to imagine that ten years ago there was no Instagram, Uber, TikTok or Tinder. The ways we move, shop, eat and communicate continue to evolve thanks to the technologies we use. It can be easy to forget how quickly things have changed - so let’s turn back the clocks and reminisce about some of the computing breakthroughs that have transformed our lives in the ’10s.