The researchers found that VLMs need much more domain-specific training data to process difficult queries. By familiarizing with more informative data, the models could one day be great research assistants to ecologists, biologists, and other nature scientists (Credit: Alex Shipps/MIT CSAIL).
CSAIL article

Try taking a picture of each of North America's roughly 11,000 tree species, and you’ll have a mere fraction of the millions of photos within nature image datasets. These massive collections of snapshots — ranging from butterflies to humpback whales — are a great research tool for ecologists because they provide evidence of organisms’ unique behaviors, rare conditions, migration patterns, and responses to pollution and other forms of climate change.

 EECS faculty and CSAIL principal investigators Sara Beery, Marzyeh Ghassemi, and Yoon Kim (Credit: MIT EECS).
CSAIL article

Sara Beery, Marzyeh Ghassemi, and Yoon Kim, EECS faculty and CSAIL principal investigators, were awarded AI2050 Early Career Fellowships earlier this week for their pursuit of “bold and ambitious work on hard problems in AI.” They received this honor from Schmidt Futures, Eric and Wendy Schmidt’s philanthropic initiative that aims to accelerate scientific innovation.

“Personhood credentials allow you to prove you are human without revealing anything else about your identity,” says Tobin South (Credits: MIT News; iStock).
CSAIL article

As artificial intelligence agents become more advanced, it could become increasingly difficult to distinguish between AI-powered users and real humans on the internet. In a new white paper, researchers from MIT, OpenAI, Microsoft, and other tech companies and academic institutions propose the use of personhood credentials, a verification technique that enables someone to prove they are a real human online, while preserving their privacy.

MosaicML (L-R): Naveen Rao, Michael Carbin, Julie Shin Choi, Jonathan Frankle, and Hanlin Tang (Credit: Courtesy of MosaicML).
CSAIL article

The impact of artificial intelligence will never be equitable if there’s only one company that builds and controls the models (not to mention the data that go into them). Unfortunately, today’s AI models are made up of billions of parameters that must be trained and tuned to maximize performance for each use case, putting the most powerful AI models out of reach for most people and companies.