Quantum Computing Fundamentals

Like the first digital computers, quantum computers offer the possibility of technology exponentially more powerful than current systems. They stand to change companies, entire industries, and the world by solving problems that seem impossible today. A recent report by Gartner states that by 2023, 20% of organizations will be budgeting for quantum computing projects. As this new technology develops, organizations will face a shortage of quantum computing experts. The time to learn about quantum computing is now. Discover the business and technical implications of this new frontier in computing and how you can apply quantum computing to your organization with this two-course program from MIT.



  • Describe the differences between quantum and classical computation.
  • Discern potential performance gains of quantum vs. classical algorithms.
  • Assess the business applications of quantum computation.
  • Understand engineering challenges currently faced by developers of quantum computers.
  • Become proficient with engineering requirements for quantum vs classical algorithm implementation.
  • Discern the scientific limits of quantum algorithms for chemistry and optimization.
  • Determine technical requirements for quantum computers to run realistically large quantum algorithms.
  • Evaluate key technology requirements for quantum computers to be able to function properly.
  • Understand the mathematical description of quantum states and basic quantum operations.
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Course starts October 3, 2022
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Text reads "MIT Quantum Computing" in front of a computer system
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