
SystemsThatLearn@CSAIL is a strategic Initiative that brings 10 member companies together with 37+ CSAIL researchers to advance impactful research and explore new technological solutions. Companies collaborate to provide real-world applications and drive impact on the full spectrum of research in systems and machine learning. SystemsThatLearn@CSAIL accelerates the development of innovative human-like systems and creates new tools to realize the potential of learning systems.

How It Works

Each member company of the Initiative has a seat on the executive board along with faculty directors. Among the many benefits of the Initiative’s structure is the ability to be involved in multiple projects simultaneously, for a similar cost of sponsoring a single project outside of the Initiative.

Key Research Areas

Already seen in practical applications such as autonomous vehicles and personalized health care, learning systems have the potential to transform industries and societies. The goal of the SystemsThatLearn@CSAIL initiative is to accelerate the development of systems and applications that learn in key areas:

  • Artificial intelligence    
  • Machine learning
  • Systems
  • Privacy and Security
  • Natural language processing